
Im looking you.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

How to play Ouija.

4 ways to play the Ouija board.

  1. It takes two to Ouija. Usually one person is not able to work the Ouija. Get a friend to use it with you. A male and female is usually recommended.
  2. Timing. Most practitioners suggest using the board at night when, they say, less interference is in the atmosphere.
  3. Create some atmosphere. The Ouija is more fun if you darken the room and light some candles. Turn off the TV and any music to minimize distractions.
  4. Have a seat. The two users should sit facing each other, with knees touching if possible, with the board on their laps. Don't use a table.
  5. Decide on a questioner or medium. Even though both people can ask questions -- or anyone else in the room can -- only one of the users should be the medium (the one to formally ask questions of the board).
  6. Place your fingers on the planchette. You and your partner should place the fingers of both hands very lightly on the planchette, or pointer.
  7. Move it. Purposely move the planchette around in a circle on the board for a moment or two to get it 'warmed up.'
  8. Attitude. Don't let the board control the session. The medium should begin by announcing that the session will only allow an experience that is positive or toward a higher good and that negative energies are not welcome.
  9. Begin simply. Start with a simple question, one that requires a yes or no answer.
  10. Be patient. You might not begin to get answers right away. Give the board a chance to 'warm up.'
  11. Be polite. When the board starts working, thank the board or entities for showing up and communicating with you.
  12. Don't ask stupid questions. Avoid questions such as, 'When am I going to die?' If the board answers, 'in 6 months,' you might just worry about it needlessly.
  13. Don't ask for physical signs. Many experienced users warn against asking for physical signs that the 'spirit' is real or present.
  14. Don't believe everything the board tells you. Just as with any other source of information, don't accept whatever the board says to be the truth or accurate.
  15. Close the board. This is an important step. When you're done with your session, slide the planchette to 'GOODBYE' and remove your hands.


  1. Have someone write down the answers. Sometimes the letters spell out very quickly and it's difficult to keep track of what's being said. A third person with paper and pen can write down the message as it comes.
  2. Play sober. You'll get better results if you haven't been drinking or smoking.
  3. Maintain control. If the board starts giving rude, vulgar, obscene or otherwise disagreeable responses, break off the session immediately by closing the board.

Black Mass in Norway. 28/06/09

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

The dark side of bible.

The Dark side of the Bible ...


Today, it is generally overlooked more punitive texts of the Bible and preference is given to the most uplifting and inspiring. However, the sweet and kind deity can sonsacarse of scripture through a selective reading of the text is very different from the jealous and vengeful god inspired the sticklers both Judaism and Christianity during the early history of monotheism.

He imagined God as a heavenly father, meek and mild, but rather as a deceived husband, so bitter and enraged by the promiscuity of his wife who is forced to torture and murder.

In fact, it is the image of the rejected lover-a favorite subject and even obsessive angriest biblical prophets, like Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Hosea which allows us to feel the visceral emotions that drove (and still driving) to the most zealous of the monotheists to commit acts of terror and bloodshed.

Specialist biblical themes, Jonathan Kirsch addresses a highly topical issue, that of religious war. This author defends the thesis that religious terrorism is not exclusive to one faith, despite what some believe today, not a feature of our time, and studies how they wanted to impose, along the history, the belief in one true and only god, who can not tolerate other ways of seeing the world and bases its existence on the cancellation of what is alien.


History of the war between monotheism and polytheism.

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Cannibalism in famine.

Is cannibalism a sin? Judge for yourself,

For millennia ago, the human has survived everything the world has proposed, and has found a way to do it, when lacking the warmth he discovered the fire, if the cure was sick, etc.. What will happen when we hunger threatens them? Today alimeticios resources are being depleted as we produce them, will be the day that we have to feed synthetically end? ... or will resort to cannibalism?

Science or instinct?

You choose.

The deleted peoples.

These people were wiped off the universe. Scientists can not prove the non-existence of parallel universes or the existence of them. But what we do know is the unification of these universes to create the time, everything is recorded in time and you can travel through it. But What's in parallel universes? No life, no biosphere or humans, there are only souls, but the existence of those souls held in the parallel universe, and therefore in time, what would happen if the souls of these people were erased from time?. ..

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

How to sell your soul.

You can have power, wealth, an attractive mate and virtually anything else you ever dreamed of – by selling your soul to Satan! But how?
You must know what you’re doing when you make the deal or Satan will cheat you blind. That’s the word from Dr. Rex Touth, expert on satanic rituals and author of How to Negotiate Unholy Contracts.
Dr. Touth cites cases dating all the way back to the 16th century in which humans have agreed to spend eternity in Hell when they die in exchange for earthly pleasures while they’re alive.
“Human history and world literature are teeming with stories like that of Germany’s Dr. Faustus who sold his soul,” says Dr. Touth. “Our own American statesman Daniel Webster once debated Satan in a landmark soul-selling case in which he renegotiated the contract and had it overturned.
“Thousands have gained riches and fulfilled their fantasies.”
Here are some tips from Dr. Touth on how you can take advantage of the same opportunity:
    1. SET THE DEAL UP PROPERLY. There’s a right and wrong way to make contact with the Devil. The right way is to be alone in your room, close your eyes and say, “Satan, I summon you. I have a quality soul to sell if the price is right.” It may take dozens, even hundreds of tries but at all costs, avoid sounding desperate or needy. He’ll show up eventually.

    1. DEAL FROM A POSITION OF POWER. By far the biggest mistake people make is to underestimate how badly Satan wants their soul. It’s like precious gold to him and he’ll pay anything to get it. When he appears, get him to make the first offer, then up it.

    1. GET THE ABSOLUTE BEST. Remember, you’re going to burn in Hell forever. So no matter how badly off you are now, demand the best. For instance, even if you feel unlovable and desperate with loneliness, don’t just say, “I want the most gorgeous woman on earth and I want her to be madly in love with me.” Instead, add, “In fact, throw in 100 other women as well so I can pick and choose according to my mood.”

  1. REMEMBER TO DEMAND THE LIFE-EXTENSION CLAUSE. Satan won’t tell you if you don’t ask but you can get a guarantee of 300 years of youthful life before you go to eternal damnation. Why enjoy a mere 75 or 80 years of reckless living when you can get 300?
Religious groups worldwide are trying to ban Dr. Touth’s book. “This kind of trash is spiritual dynamite,” says a spokesman for the North American Council of Churches and Synogogues. “We can’t, in good conscience, let people read how to destroy their almighty souls.”
But Dr. Touth says we should all be aware of the facts so we can make an informed decision. “It’s your soul,” he says. “Do waht you want with it.”